Jump Start Your Recovery With These 3 Simple Tips
If you are planning cosmetic surgery, recently had surgery, or are currently in the midst of the maturation or remodeling stage of healing (from week 3 through 2 years), these 3 things can be crucial to the pace of your healing. I know you want to heal faster so that you can get back to your life and I want that for you, too! You truly have more control over your healing process than you may realize and who doesn’t love to be in the driver’s seat of their own health?
Increase Your Protein Intake
Protein is a huge component when it comes to building muscle and repairing tissue, especially after surgery. Not only does protein support lean muscle mass, but it will also give your body what it needs to recover faster. As a massage therapist, I prefer to stay in my lane when offering health advice that may be out of my scope of practice. That’s why I rely on trusted sources like Dr, Mark Hyman, Funtional Medicine Expert, for the recommended amount of daily protein intake. Please note that EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT. This is just a recommendation and will need to be adjusted to your personal medical history. Personally speaking, my go-to’s are chicken breast,
grass-fed beef, salmon, eggs, non-fat cottage cheese and protein powder!
Increase Your Water Intake
This may sound easy for some of you, however you may be surprised about what is an appropriate amount of water to consume. Generally speaking, a good rule of thumb is half of your body weight in ounces. What does that mean? It means if you weigh 100 pounds, you should be drinking 50 ounces of water per day. Here’s the kicker…for every cup of coffee, caffeinated soda, or alcoholic beverage you consume, you may need to add in an additional 2 glasses.
Now when it comes to your healing process, I don’t want you to overthink this. Managing your stress level is also an important part of healing. If drinking water is a struggle for you, get yourself a fun bottle (like this one) to keep track during the day. Your lymphatic system is made up of 96% water. Hydration is like medicine for a optimally functioning lymphatic system. Want to know the best part? Some of the side effects of being hydrated are glowing, supple skin and increased energy!
Eat More Pineapple
That’s right! Pineapple contains bromelain which is essential for muscle repair. Bromelain extract is also a good option (especially if you are monitoring your sugar intake), however, if you can opt in for the fresh fruit, your body will thank you. What does bromelain do? It is a natural anti-inflammatory and has been shown to prevent blood clots, edema, and swelling which will help your body heal more efficiently.
Please share this with someone you know could benefit from this information and I can’t wait to see you again soon.
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