Signature Million Dollar Massage
What is a Million Dollar Massage? Imagine being in a space where it feels like the therapist knows exactly where to work, knows your perfect pressure, and seamlessly addresses areas of tension you didn’t even know where there. Take that a step further and imagine that she does this without any verbal communication so that you can completely let go, trusting that you are in the most intuitive hands you have ever experienced. This is where the spa meets clinical. This my signature Million Dollar Massage.
If you are anything like me, past experiences may have left you frustrated by the following:
-Spa menus and having to choose one certain type of massage
-Your therapist wasn’t really listening to your concerns
-A lack of knowledge pertaining to your specific condition
-Rushed in and out of your session
-That the massage started off good, but was less impressive towards the end
-Your therapist felt disconnected, like they didn’t want to be there
-Pressure preference being ignored
If any of these things sound familiar to you, I want to show you that a completely different massage experience does exist. This is exactly why I created my Million Dollar Massage.
Choosing a specific type of massage
I don’t want you to have to think about what “type” of massage you need. It is my job to listen to your concerns, develop a treatment plan, and then have an intuitive conversation with your body throughout the entire session. I don’t shy away from areas of tension, and I address them in a way that works with, not against, your body. Massage therapy should never hurt. When massage is painful, your body is unable to let go and allow the muscle fibers to unwind to give you long-term relief. The “good hurt” is fine and us therapists like to call that the “therapeutic edge”. My hands are experts at finding out where that is on you because every single body is different.
Listening to your concerns
I have a vast knowledge of working with injury and disease through my training and working in a clinical setting for most of my career. Being a life-long learner, I am consistently learning more so that I can educate and work with current medical information. You will always feel heard and your concerns with be mapped out and addressed in a session that is uniquely tailored to you.
Knowledge of different conditions
What I love about my experience as a therapist is that I have had such a broad range working with so many different people and age groups. Whether you are experiencing a sports injury, chronic pain, an autoimmune disorder, anxiety, depression, recovering from surgery, or are on a cancer journey, we will work together to find a treatment plan that works for you.
You will never feel rushed
This is a big one for me. We get rushed in and out of appointments all the time. When having a massage, you should have time to take a moment and breathe. This sets the tone for your session. I will always allow you space, before and after your appointment, to make sure you are completely comfortable, and all your questions are answered. I schedule appointments with enough time in between so that your session never feels rushed. This is also a reason why I prefer 90 minute massage sessions so I can thoroughly address all of your concerns.
Massage consistency
You are my top priority through the entirety of the session. I ground my focus and intention to be present with you from the moment our session begins. If anything, the massage will get even better the more I understand your body. Learning your specific muscle holding patterns, constantly adjusting my game plan where needed, and making sure you feel relief after your session keeps me engaged and focused.
Feeling connected
This is a big component to making sure you feel complete after your session. Our bodies know, through touch, when someone is off thinking about other things and not in the present moment. I take a limited number of appointments per week so that I can guarantee that you will always feel like the attention is on you.
The perfect pressure
Before our session begins, I will ask you what type of pressure you prefer. Because pressure is subjective, your “medium” may be different than someone else’s and that’s okay as we are all unique individuals. This is why after 30 years, my hands know exactly how to find your perfect pressure. I also know that pressure may differ when working on different areas of the body. Your pressure preference may even vary from session to session depending on what you are going through in life at any given moment.
You are worth experiencing my signature Million Dollar Massage. Your time is valuable, especially when it comes to finding a massage therapist that will address your needs. I look forward to working with you and showing you how uniquely amazing your body is.
You’re Wrthit
“I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health”